Wow, time sure does fly by! The summer is gone and school is now in session, and I am so excited to have a fabulous crop of new 2nd graders! So far we have been learning about bucket filling at Snipes. Bucket Filling is based from the book "Have You Been a Bucket Filler Today?" by Carol McCloud, and teaches kids that everyone has an invisible bucket inside that holds our good feelings about ourselves. We should all strive to fill each other's buckets each day with kind words, compliments, and helpfulness. Bullies are bucket dippers with their mean words and actions. When we dip from other's buckets, we also dip from our own buckets, because it doesn't feel good to make others unhappy. Check out more about Bucket Filling at this website:
Welcome to a new year, Shining Stars! I can't wait to post about all the new exciting things we'll be doing this year!